Friendship - Friendship is about witnessing each other and recurring forgiveness Honesty - Honesty is about understanding and acknowledging your own vulnerability, blind spots, and lack of understanding Ambition - Ambition is for the young and is focused on becoming - one goal at a time. Sometimes used as a weapon - We should look toward a fluid “calling” - a discovery of vocation that unfolds throughout our lives - The best calling is helping to reduce suffering and teach others Alone - Bring alone is like shedding a skin – you become the real you without pretense - As social creatures, we fear being alone and yet in many ways we are always a singularity - Aloneness can be an invitation to depth and epiphany. It can also be a gateway to abandonment - Seeking aloneness is a radical act, but can be extremely valuable in relationships - We can let our partner alone as we let ourselves alone - one of the great tests of relationship maturity - We can’t ever fully know our partner because they don’t fully know themselves. That’s why they need aloneness - Aloneness can be a looked-for achievement, not a state to which we get condemned Bonus: think of yourself as a friend to your future self. There is no one better positioned to set your future self up for success and happiness than you #podcast #wakingup